jonah hill ur boring me pal sorry. emma stone and sonoya mizuno are keeping me focused though.
rip muramoto, i was wondering why you were missing from the cast list
this was a fairly good episode although it confused me that we didn’t pick up from the post credit scene? did that part just not happen? or is it something that will happen?
also that man is still horrific jeez, he gives me the heebiejeebies
matts new therapist girlfriend and fisks lady advisor are both giving major “will be murdered by kingpin” vibes
also that sausage pasta he had at the end looked so fuckin good
oh auggie… i’d end it all if i made something that did that. truly man made horrors not entirely beyond our comprehension.
liam cunningham is so fucking good here omg, also i bet wenjie must be at least a little bit embarrassed now x
loved this episode, glad i was able to piece things together just before it was all explained.
jim’s definitely the strongest character, glad she was more sensible than jack.
only issues was the janky cgi and i just felt weird about the way newton and turing were sorta disrespected