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Joined on September 2, 2024


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That's the reality of being a parent, you can never really know how your child will turn out. That's the burden that you are ‘blessed’ with. The inability to prevent the influence of the outside world on your child is one of the most frightening thing ever. This entire show was frightening to watch

I have been left speechless. Jamie's rapid switch from anger to calmness was so eerie. Understandingly, it makes sense that she teared up in the end. That was crazy.

With being done I have to say that I am very satisfied. Jaemin ended in prison. Soohyun learnt that leaving Daon to get hurt is not a suitable way his love. And Daon and Seonghyung got their happy ending. What could be better? Their acting was amazing and I felt a rollercoaster of emotions througho

I can already feel the chemistry between them, it’s so good. And the blend between the real life and the acted scenes is so well done. I have a feeling that the blend between the acting and the reality will not only be a recurrent theme but the source of conflict throughout the show. I love how part

That was absolutely heartbreaking.

I have been waiting for the second season to drop and the first episode did not disappoint.

Study Group (2025)

S01 E02 · The School Inspector
Gamin is so unintentionally funny, I love it.

what an interesting first episode, loved the entire premise and i'm excited to see more

wtf that episode was utterly intense. Jaemin is so crazy and manipulative. Using self harm as a way to stop Daon after acknowledging everything he had done to him that insane. I did know thing could get worse than it already was.

"We both know the unreality of taking a life. The people who die when we have no other choice, we know in those moments they are not flesh, but light, and air and colour." "Isn't that what it is to be alive?" With every episode every thing about this show gets better and better. There is something

“You didn't secure your legacy, Mr. Wells; you murdered it. In fact your one act as a father was to destroy your son.” “We are her fathers now. We have to serve her better than Garett Jacob Hobbs. Jack Crawford and his keen eyes. He knew it. He knew it from the start. Father figures as a theme

That was a rollercoaster of an episode. Loved the bittersweet ending.

That was a solid episode, there is so much I want to know that has been left unanswered. Maybe Jaemin is the mastermind of the entire issue between them but why? But SeongHyeon was such a sweet heart, he was absolutely adorable, total green flag. But you never know, all of these characters have got

I don't believe a single thing that came out of Jaei's mouth. She is definitely lying to protect Seugi.

"A patient who wears a person suit." "Maybe it's less of a person suit and more of a human veil." With every episode, Hannibal's demeanour is more and more eerier. In this episode that there is an exploration of the notion of the self, more directly how we define the self It is clear that no one re

The sip of that wine before the episode ended was truly a statement.

"Human emotions are a gift from our animal ancestors" "Cruelty is a gift that humanity has given itself." "Well, your dreams were the one place you could be physically safe, relinquishing control. Not anymore." There is always a link between the physical or mental dilemmas that Graham faces and wha

The show had a very rocky start but by the end I literally fell in love with it. Now bring me more.

Never had a finale of a show make me cry this much, getting Kotoha's persepective on the entire thing actually changed everything. The fear of being like her mother had dictate everything aspect of Kotoha's life and what she did. But I'm happy that by the end she didn't let it ruin her relationship

Seeing Jaei vulnerable really does make her look human. It highlights that despite the distance she tried to keep between her and her sister, there was still some hope that things would turn out okay for their relationship But I think it might be more to do with the guilt than anything else

Did you really feel so bad because killing him felt so good? Killing must feel good to God too... he does it all the time. And are we not created in his image? The ability to kill is more about power than the excused used of being just. This can be seen in Will and all of the other serial killers t

Brilliant first episode. "They know" - that is literally the most eeriest thing ever. There is a kind of sophistication in the way that Hannibal presents himself that makes him kind of inhuman.

the guy was right, the reason why everyone in that school does so well is because they are all doing drugs

I didn’t know that the last 5 minutes of a show could really change me so violently. I think I need a few day to recuperate and think about everything. “Even loyalty is a dubious virtue.” - Now everything makes sense.