I always love it when the dialogue from the manga gets accurately done in the anime, Ubuyashiki is the goat!! It’s bittersweet to finally see the ending of one of my faves
The end made me cry a little but that was so wholesome. Not as wholesome as colin’s lip filler and penelope and francesca’s full face make up and fake nails ig
At first I was really annoyed with Donny about how much of a loser he was but then THAT episode came. For him to relive everything that happened to him makes me speechless. The actress who played Martha was really spot on after watching the interview. Crazy and sad to think that this is a reality an
Fun to watch, binged it. There was no unnecessary drama which I loved. But the end tho I can’t help but think that it’s rigged for USA to win but that’s just me. He worked hard anyway and this was already years ago.
Loved it! Love to watch it when I just want to chill and rest my mind. It’s fun and characters are all quirky in their way. Moira is annoying but she’s definitely the funniest in the family. Johnny held them together. Alexis’s character development was great! David’s still David, but a better versio
Ngl i watched this with the fast forward as I can’t take how slow the scenes are. I had my doubts if this was a happy ending (Shin Se Kyung I will never forget high kick!) but thankfully it is. Acting from the ML is top notch, give the man an award! Plot is somewhat weak especially the revenge plot