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Joined on January 30, 2022


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I hate Woods with every part of myself 🙄😤

I hate Antonio episodes… especially when there are Voight undertones to it… and ESPECIALLY when there is only ONE Jay scene in the whole thing!

“The more I learn about you, the more I realize I have no clue who you really are” “Good. My plan is working” I live for the Upstead crumbsss

Genuinely, save for a couple of tiny moments that I didn’t completely vibe with, this was genuinely the best episode of the show to. DATE! I did not BREATHE for the last 20 minutes!! Absolutely incredible! I’m so happy that we’re back!

This season continued to be at the same level of greatness as many of its past peers despite my own lack of confidence when going into it. I am so sorry, Chicago Fire, I was just scared! I would never truly doubt you!! 🫶💗

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SYLVIE WITH THE BABY GIRL 😭😭💖💗💗 The groupchat drama 🤣 how do NONE of them have Boden’s cell number ?? 😂🤦‍♀️ Oh no Severide….

St. Denis Medical (2024)

S01 E14 · Listen to Your Ladybugs
“We cannot let Ben and some AI robot tell us how to do our job!” “Oh, yeah… sorry, were they wrong?” “Not the point, man. People should not be looking to computers for medical advice.” “Is this ‘cause you got locked out of your email?” BRUCE WITH THE “YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE GOOD” 🤣 I’M DYING !! Not

No stop, this episode was actually incredible !!! Matt talking with Heather about Foggy 😭😭 him cracking open their special bottle ! NOT THE ENDING???!!??

It just casually being dropped that BB is Ben Urich’s niece?? Wait, hold on, I need a minute, Born Again !! The last scene!!!?? MATT! MY LOVE!! ARE YOU OKAY??!?

Trying to slyly get my sister into this series by putting it on while she’s sitting at the table next to me so she gets intrigued… 😉😝

Some great build up for the story of Silo 12 but honestly, the killer story in this one was the least engaging one so far. Still very invested though!! I mean, Shane with his “dad”?? What is going on !!?

I have absolutely no words. They did the unthinkable, the UNFORGIVABLE, and I’m still giving it 5 stars. I don’t know who I am or what this show is doing to me already, but I’m along for wherever this ride is taking us I GUESS!

Bex being confused about why they were just watching an old basketball game and Shane going “because it’s on!” while stuffing his face full of pizza 🤣 I love these characters so much! The killer wasn’t particularly creepy in this one but the whole backstory of how he pulled them off…. yick

Chicago Fire (2012)

S11 E19 · Take a Shot at the King
How I love you Blake Gallo 🫶 But how I hate Don Ramsey and this whole storyline…

Chicago Fire (2012)

S11 E20 · Never, Ever Make a Mistake
Opening with a Herrmann fam scene again!! 👏💓 Mom!Stella and Dad!Boden pep talking Kylie for her exams!! 💖💖 The love that Sylvie Brett has for others!!! 🫶💖 Not the ending???

Chicago Fire (2012)

S11 E18 · Danger Is All Around
MATTHEW CASEY YOU FINALLY CAME HOME!!! 😭😭🫶 Blake Gallo!! The man that you are and the pain that you have been through! 💔🫂 The knowledge that Sylvie played Laurie in a high school production of Oklahoma! is Sylvie!lore that I needed !! 💓 These people are my FAMILY and I LOVE THEM! 🫶💖💖

Matt Casey has been calling and checking on Cindy and Herrmann regularly!!! Because of COURSE he has!! 😭💓🫶 CINDY IS CANCER FREE!! MY LOVE!!! 😭😭💖

The amount of yelling and fighting in this episode… ouch, y’all. My ears are ringing Connor and Bekker were particularly annoying… fighting like ACTUAL children 🙄🤦‍♀️ The end scene tho!! I ADORE YOU CHEXTON!!! 💓💓

SAM CARVER!!! I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! 💓💓😭 CHRISTOPHER AND CINDY!!! “She looks so… happy” “That’s all I want, for you to feel good again” 😭💖 they are THE blueprint!! Stella and Cruz!! 😭💞 Seager needs to leaveeee ughhh

Mr. Turner: *banging his head against the poster* Mr. Feeny: *walks by* Try a hammer, Mr. Turner.

Linda: You two are.. are.. The whole room: Scum!

The Floor (2024)

S03 E04 · A Twist in the Game
The Star Trek category deserved to be played better than that 💔🖖

St. Denis Medical (2024)

S01 E13 · Some Famous Internet Guy
BEST episode!! I screamed when I realized Colby Twill was Morgan Jay!!! Bruce: Alright, jam time! *puts headphones on* It’s an ad right now, but *tries to jam anyway*