Where do I even begin with this? My favorite show of all time. Everything is so meticulously done, there’s absolutely nothing left up in the air. They’ve set us on these characters roads and there’s no way to get off, no way to even change lanes even when you desperately want to.
It’s so beautiful
This shows secret weapon is that it is genuinely fucking hilarious when it wants to be; the fact that an episode this stressful (centering Neela in an underdog story is a genius idea, having her blow it is even better) also made me laugh so hard is why I’ve watched 10 whole seasons and will watch 5
That scene with bill and that random kid in the car was one of the best in the show so far. The acting and dialogue in this series is phenomenal but in this episode it was beyond that. They casted the guy for son of sam perfectly, tbh it was kinda eerie. Anytime they’re interviewing a serial killer
1. dana i’ve only known you for nine hours but id trust you with my life and if that man thinks he can get away with that 👊🏼
2. Dr. Mohan I’m free for drinks whenever you’re not working a 15 hour shift
3. the writing and delivery of dialogue on this show is absolutely nuts so incredibly natural
Dr.Langdon having THE MOST VALID CRASH OUT I'VE EVER SEEN!!! Santos really just needs to learn to slow down and listen which she wasn't going to do without getting bitch slapped back into reality. He also was very understanding with Mel and her needs! it's about balance!! Also the way Mel lit up at
Langdon might’ve been unprofessional but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t valid, Santos is very selfish, I get she thinks she’s right but they have seniors for a reason, she’s so frustrating lol
The E.R.-worshipper-Carter-loving younger me has been waiting so long for this. I'm so glad I really liked it.
"This is the job that keeps on giving... Nightmares. Ulcers. Suicidal tendencies." - On a T-shirt.
"I'm gonna go get Language Services." - Dead. My little translator heart just filled wit
| “If you want people to be happier, don't make 'em wait for twelve hours.”
Finally, a more realistic medical drama. It's like the medical genre in general has a bunch of sub-genres – beginning with the soap opera medical drama (GREY'S ANATOMY) to the “hyper-intelligent character” medical drama (a
you know a medical show is good when i just got back from an 8 hour shift at a hospital and was still hooked watching an ER show and couldnt look away because it was so good