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Joined on March 21, 2022


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industry plant generator is finally over

a story about people who don't get to have stories here. a story about a diaspora whose culture is gentrified and taken away from them. a story about people who are kicked out of their own spaces and arts, replaced and represented by palatable white faces. the book is one of my favorites of all ti

what a genuinely bizarre show. really not sure who this is for. to fans of the game, it's a weird patchwork of the game's major events mixed with a completely different story seemingly for the sake of it. new, original characters are arbitrarily added into the plot to take up space and focus at the

immediately cemented itself as one of the best comic shows out there, a spin-off of what's already one of the best comic movies ever. it's one thing to talk about how amazing the performances and production values are, but it's a whole other thing that in a sea of "eight hour event" type shows, thi

remember when it took them only four years to make the first avengers and now we have to wait six years for them to introduce billy and tommy

manny jacinto single-handedly set asian-american rights forward by a hundred years

"I did not want to write this book as a way of explaining the humanity of the Vietnamese." Viet Thanh Nguyen, the author of The Sympathizer, once quoted Toni Morrison in saying that "to have to explain yourself to white people distorts you because you start from a position of assuming your [...] la

america's definition of diversity is "replace all the asians except the villain," tale as old as time

Pretty amazing that this got a whole nine seasons, more than like 10% of TV shows ever get, and they still couldn't wrap up their story in a timely manner due to the sheer ineptitude of the writing before its entire parent company shut down.

Honestly was quite a letdown. Did not really deliver on being a cool TV-MA gritty action show or even just being a faithful adaptation of Maya from the comics, but maybe that's to be expected from a showrunner who flat out called her "kinda lame" to begin with.

First two seasons were serviceable, half-decent at best. Later two are excruciatingly terrible.

Eighteen times shorter than the game and yet twice as good.

For such an overly rushed and shallow attempt at adapting the original game's plot, the presentation and animation is shockingly beautiful and fluid.

The best of the Disney+ MCU shows thus far, no contest.

Star Wars is about a guy showing up and then you clap.