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Joined on April 22, 2022


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Hal is a great dad for making his sons play hooky for one day It's funny that Frankie Muniz became a race car driver now Dewey is like Batman with the way he disappears and appears wherever he likes That shower head joke was funny Francis' classmates thanking him for accidentally killing Spangl

How was Dewey able to steal that cognac? Might have missed it but what is Hal's job? Love how Hal knew Francis wanted to stay because of the girls How does one eat half of a frog? Poor Francis being forced to pray away the gay Really love Lois confronting her manager and her co-workers having h

Hal and Lois waiting for the other one to get up and handle the boys was funny Love Lois making the women turn on that mother Malcolm and Hal causing chaos was hilarious Those poor kids with that terrible mother and the one with the powerful magnet Love that Malcolm's still supports him for be

Need to learn how to use my thumb like Stanley and the chef from Ratatouille Lois willing to tell the police that Francis has drugs so they will find him was funny Malcolm folded immediately Poor Francis really thought he could fix her Dewey throwing rocks at Francis was really funny

Lois thinking Stevie was a phone pervert was funny Stevie's parents hate fun What kind of person are you to steal someone's wheelchair? "How much does my head weigh? Zero. Zero" Dewey is adorable I'm thinking Hal wanted to get pegged, whatever it was, they match each other's freak too well T

Malcolm seems a bit young to be a babysitter Those parents are kind of weird for recording Malcolm "Who's Melissa?" That was funny I would've extorted them for more money before I quit Hal and Lois are really made for each other

Love how Hal just accepts they boys' funeral for the frog "WHY ARE YOU SEVEN!!" Malcolm unaware that he was beating up a 7 year old was hilarious Malcolm using Stevie's wheelchair to get signatures was so wrong Guess beating up kids who look older runs in the family Really like that moment be

Dewey attacking Reese was funny That lady in the blue dress was kind of enjoying Hal and Lois making out on her too much Francis making Dewey guilt tripping Caroline and Reese already stealing her wallet was funny Need to have what Hal and Lois have

Dewey not complaining about being tied up was funny Dewey deserves to do the bow Dewey running towards and away Lois was funny The boys calling Francis for help against Lois' punishments and his friends getting invested was hilarious It's nice that Reese beats up kids for insulting Malcolm T

My sister rediscovered this show and is making watch with her and I have vague memories of some episodes Malcolm making friends with Stevie was nice "They're just boobs, lady" That was funny Stevie is goated for pretending to take that hit Pretty great first episode

8.7/10 Probably my favorite season of the show so far, really enjoyed Invincible vs Cecil stuff and Mark dealing with his guilt and trauma and his current journey on what he should do as Invincible Can't wait to see where next season goes! Favorite episodes: 'A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL', 'YOU WANT A


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Doctor Who (1963)

S21 E20 · The Caves of Androzani (4)
Really love that The Doctor kept going to get the antidote and gave to save Peri, someone he just met in the last story Really love The Doctor remembering his companions and they are telling him to live while The Master wants to him to die This story written by Robert Holmes is a pretty good final

Doctor Who (1963)

S21 E19 · The Caves of Androzani (3)
Bet Chellak feels like a huge fool for getting tricked by Jek's androids twice Kind of freaks me out when Morgus suddenly talks to the camera Didn't expect Morgus to kill the President Poor Peri being affected by an illness kidnapped by a crazy Jek on her 2nd adventure Really love that cliffh

Doctor Who (1963)

S21 E18 · The Caves of Androzani (2)
Sharaz Jek's plan to keep the spectrox to himself until he has Morgus is pretty good Really like Jek's presence as the villain

Doctor Who (1963)

S21 E17 · The Caves of Androzani (1)
Didn't expect The Doctor wearing celery as a safety precaution That was a terrible hiding spot for The Doctor and Peri Pretty interesting start

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Doctor Who (1963)

S21 E16 · Planet of Fire (4)
Peri trying to hit The Master with her shoe was hilarious The Master creating a powerful version of the Tissue Compression Eliminator that shrinked himself was funny Shame Kamelion wasn't utilized enough Wonder how The Master will survive that Will miss Turlough New companion acquired: Peri

Doctor Who (1963)

S21 E15 · Planet of Fire (3)
1st time seeing the interior of The Master's TARDIS! I like the black design Wasn't expecting The Master to be tiny

Doctor Who (1963)

S21 E14 · Planet of Fire (2)
Poor Peri basically was abducted and dealing with The Master "I am The Master!" "So what? I am Perpugilliam Brown and I can shout as loud as you can" Loving Peri already Wonder how Turlough got to Earth?

Doctor Who (1963)

S21 E13 · Planet of Fire (1)
About time they showed Kamelion again, he is no K-9 though Didn't think Turlough would bring Peri into the TARDIS Interested in learning more about Turlough's backstory and why he doesn't want to go back K-9 would never turn on The Doctor

Doctor Who (1963)

S21 E12 · Resurrection of the Daleks (2)
The Dalek looking at Stien for revealing to The Doctor that they have Davros was funny The Daleks' plan to make duplicates of The Doctor and his companions to assassinate the High Council of Gallifrey is kind of a good plan, probably have beef with them since High Council made The Doctor interfere

Doctor Who (1963)

S21 E11 · Resurrection of the Daleks (1)
*The Daleks appear* I'm completely shocked, there is no way I could've expected this Cool to see Davros again The Doctor throwing off a Dalek off the ledge was funny Davros tweaking out when he learned the Daleks lost to the Movellans was funny The Daleks probably didn't come to rescue Davro

Didn't expect the TARDIS to be actually destroyed This story written by Christopher H. Bidmead is ok