there r some rly good episodes, but i feel like what this season focuses on is more setting up the characters and letting us get to know them, which obviously doesn’t really leave place for a lot of deep story. still pretty good tho😛
dougie got way too much irrelevant screentime that tried so hard ti be funny and failed so miserably!!!! it made the whole episode feel so boring!!! loved seeing albert and gordon tho
the adult story is better in this season, yayy!!! however it feels like they completely forgot abt taissas wife and child, they were i a car crash?? hello??? still great tho😁😛🙌
This would’ve been the first 5 star of the show but i decided to move 1x11 up from 4.5 to 5 as well. BoJack is… very difficult to like and does some very questionable things. His theme of escapism this episode and seeing what life he could’ve had instead of the life he has. He doesn’t like the perso
so close to a 5 star it’s insane, the last 10 minutes were done so flawlessly. showing bojack let go of everything and put all his cards on the table, causing him to lose everything that could of made him happy for once. the cinematography and dialogue were especially superb in this episode. and tha
“Well, that's the problem with life, right? Either you know what you want, and you don't get what you want, or get what you want, and then you don't know what you want.”
shauna trying on her own version of jackie with melissa is so addictive to watch i can’t explain it. also i can’t believe “[llama] it can be easy or it can be hard but either way it gets what it wants” is a real subtitle i just read.
This episode takes a dive into friendship with BoJack and Todd, which seems to be BoJack finally beginning to care for him, until the ending credits where he basically set him up not to succeed. This show is GOOD.
Wayne’s speech perfectly described BoJack, which really added on to the scenes where
i did not expect everyone to hate this episode!! 😭 i was almost even considering a 4.5 but i got peer pressured down to 4. yeah that scene was super creepy but this episode is a great introduction to sarah lynn and that part says a lot about bojack himself
going to skip talking about the obvious and just say that shauna's sad little fucking face in this episode is so devastating and haunting... sophie nélisse emmy season incoming
literally peak television I’m actually surprised this didn’t become a meme