I Love reviewing stuff I loved again so I'm doing it for this. I mean this show can genuinely change your perspective on how you look at the world it's just that good. Askeladd the absolute GOAT. And then there's canute, canute you deserve nothing in life you spoilt brat.
Peak fiction it's got good comedy got good animation got good fight scenes the characters are amazing. It's so good for a chill show that you don't have to pay attention to but then suddenly it hits you with the deepest and saddest episode you'll see
I'm reviewing it again because I'm rewatching it again. Reiner is the singlehandedly greatest character in fiction. His writing is like nothing I have ever seen before How does a side character have the best writings in the show. Even if you don't like anime which is fine this show is a MUST watch e
It was a very good show, the first season was just okay, but the second season was fantastic. The ending was perfect, one of the best I’ve seen in a show before.