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Joined on February 3, 2022


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my oh my i tought im gonna drop this after seeing the red flag male leads but i was wrong! all of the people here are red flag. this supposed to be romance anime was weird and off at first, like your fiancee going to sell you to the brothel just to get the money and you just ended up selling your k

finally i finish this! i started this show since god knows when, and couldnt finish it because i keep dropping it. but i determined to conquer this series hahha and i made it. its too slice of life, not for binge watch for sure. the medical drama is okay, short and proper. and for the main characte

sehat sehat orang baik

so fun! another murder mystery investigation with different cases each day! morgan is interesting lady, at least they quiet honest for making Morgan is genius-genius instead of oh-its-just-her-being-autistic or else. i like the touch of family drama in this.

"i dont think its a loss. i dont lost someone, its just being taken from me. someone just thinking that they had the right to take someone from our live ... forever" its kinda confused me why they are so passionate about the friends and just found out Gaby has siblings on the last episode wkwkwk

ask to watched this with my little sister and oh boy i apologize to her afterwards.

bener kata ugeng, its like Tokyo MER mixed with Code Blue wkwkw chaosnya dapet, item putihnya dapet. heronya bener2 putih yg serba bisa, right man on a right time, bener2 seigi no mikata alias ally of justice to the core. lucu banget juga. asik jadi tontonan bersama2. no compliment top this, so im g

was wes wos ~ bagus kali wakkkkkkk ehem ehem mau curhat dikit, this series feels personal for me at first. im also one of four sisiters and had same family affair. that was what grip me at first. but as the series continue, it brought back the feeling when i watch Nana anime. it sooo complex and lay

pada ngapain sih lu pada ah

EYYO MY SISTERS ARE BACKKKKKKKKK ok ok so whats happen this time? berhasil kabur dari setan dakjal JP, this season also whirlwind around Grace. jiplakannya JP ada, jiplakannya duo insurance guy ada, tapi ga boring sama sekali juga. stylenya masih sama dari season 1 which is good since it doesnt lost

i wasnt hooked by the pilot actually but i gave it a chances since ... it reminds me a lot of Dead To Me. and im glad i went through with it because the weirdness captivate me. sempet suujon sama the lesbian couple, dan drama keluarga si mama's boy itu lebih seru dah hahahah

2 points that makes me like this series : 1. i need to declare my love to Seo Hyun Jin once again so the world would know. anything with her? i would be bias. 2. i have soft spot for something angst-y, involving fragile and vulnerable people heal each other. IM CRAVING FOR SMTH LIKE THIS ok i need

not a fan of bestfriend to lover but i like both of the mc cast so i bear with it. and yes, slightly hate it. i like their dynamic, natural, funny, especially on the family part. but i really hate the timing of each ex-es appeared on the plot. like really? couldnt be more basic? so yeah, i love u ju

lets go on the detective mode!

love the challenges, especially the one with the restaurant (eventho the result not so much). DAN SI TRIPLE STAR GANTENG BAT ANJIR

this show is amazing. i dont trust anybody. everyone is so blindly trusting and hateful lol. anyway why do "you're like Yoda in sex" dialogue stick with me like so ridiculous hahahahhahahahaha

YOOOOOOOO HOW TO FIND A GREENEST GREEN FLAG EVER LIKE THIS? i like how Joanne's insecurities, like many insecure girls insecurities out there, was depicted not in basic and cringe way. "my biggest fear is bad facelift, yes but now i realize maybe my biggest fear is ... this. when i become emotional

why do i feel like these vampires girls and deer club from shikanoko will be great friends?

i think my saying in this will be the same as the 'i parry everything' anime. im to lazy to write. yeah.

setengah edukasi tentang kesehatan, setengah fan service buat penyuka cewe cewe montok. dah gitu aja.

ga. boleh. nge judge. fetish. orang. ok aku diam.

was expecting soft yaoi since they are still in highschool but na ah. they just go straight into it. and it not just the main couple. every single ships.