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Joined on December 30, 2021


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This show starts off really great, this first half with just the kid versions of our characters and everything leading up to the mid-season is great, and I'm in love with all that is set up. However the show wanting to include the murder mystery and crime element is its downfall and its so evident i

Angel (1999)

S01 E08 · I Will Remember You
I'm only gonna be watching the Angel episodes I hear are important to Buffy and oh my gosh this episode makes me want to kill myself. Bangel I'm so sorry I wish I could give you a happy ending

Didn't realize it's the finale until the last bit so I'm sorry New Girl. However once they hit that True American bit I was do on board, and the Winston prank is the best thing ever like I genuinely love it so much.

Goodbye, goodbye, you were bigger than the whole sky

Riverdale (2017)

S07 E10 · Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Seven: American Graffiti
This episode is actually amazing! I love this finale season and everything it's given me. Like imagine Archie having had lines and personality like this before, that would've been amazing. I'm just sad that were losing Tabitha again.

Modern Family (2009)

S06 E11 · The Day We Almost Died
Phill being sexy is not a revelation to me. That man has been hot

I really liked this season. It really gave all the characters time to grow, and that's especially useful when it's the final season. It's sad that this is the last well see of them but the writers clearly saw that some of that it was a possibility and gave proper conclusions to the questions they wa

Chucky (2021)

S02 E07 · Goin' to the Chapel
This episode might be one of the best yet. I know I always say it, but it's because Chucky team always knows what's up. I liked all the confessional scenes, and the exorcism of Chucky is insane and I'm super confused/impressed they were allowed to do ALL THAT in a real chapel. Alivya (Lexi) is phen

Ava been principal-ing all season. Like is someone putting something in the water supply?

Chucky (2021)

S02 E06 · He Is Risen Indeed
In the words of Tana Mongeau "I LOVED HER! I FUCKING LOVED HER! SHE WAS MY BEST FRIEND." Next time I see that doll it's on sight I swear. This was the last straw. He ain't getting away with this one, and I hope EVERY character groups up and just curb stops his ass.

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Everyone's getting a bit too mean with each other this season. Like I was panicking thinking of what the ending with Barbra and Janine was going to be. Also great Ava bits this episode including her doing principal work, and Ashley us already becoming one of my favorites!

This season served. Even though the lack of episodes was due to the writers strike (I think). I think this season benefits from it. The plots, especially last seasons had to stretch and create uninteresting filler. Here everything was sound and perfect and I finally got my Susan and Mike endgame. Ka

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I still think this is an amazing comedy show and feel it was funnier a second time around. This season was great by not just losing the breakup element but also making the focus about the stress with age. Alot of the new characters were great additions and brought out a lot of laughs. This season en

James Gunn really managed to turn one of the least likeable characters from the Suicide Squad into someone I really enjoyed. This show does such a great job in building its characters and making feel for them in the good and the bad. John Cena really proved he can act in this one, and Danielle Brook

This is truly one of the funniest comedies out right now. The characters and asthetic manage to make what seems to be a cookie cutter premise into something really fun and enjoyable. I highly recommend this show to anyone just wanting to have a good time.

He just wanted some damn cheese

If someone took all the Almond chocolates I'd threaten to kill them too!

I really like this season and it's a great follow up to the first season. Seeing how the four struggle after the ending of season 1 is tragic and the twists and events are pretty good. The comedy is still also pretty funny and Jasmine, Jamal and Ruby are still highlights.

If no one got me I know Jasmine got me. This show is really heartfelt and I liked alot of the characters. Although some jokes didn't land it was really comedic and that ending made me cry. I watched the first episode of season 2 and it made me even sadder. Wishing for happiness to come in the later

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Girlies heard my complaints and served this season. Like all hits. Favorite characters are still everyone except Luthor but he had alot of good moments just not my cup of tea. I will say baby Pogo is the best and I love him.

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