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Joined on November 29, 2023


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Doctor Who (1963)

S10 E08 · Carnival of Monsters (4)
This story is objectively not great, but I have watched it so many times that I have a weird soft spot for it. They really thought they did so much with the Drashig, and the further away we get from this story the more hilarious that becomes.

Loki (2021)

S02 E06 · Glorious Purpose
This was fairly good, but DID seem like an entire interesting season crammed into one episode because they ran out of time. I would’ve loved an entire series worth of time looping antics and Loki slowly coming to terms with the fact that he has to sacrifice to save the people he’s come to love. Inst

Loki (2021)

S02 E05 · Science/Fiction
There were some fun concepts in this, but the vast majority of them just did not follow through. 5 episodes in, and I just don’t really care all that much tbh.

Lewis (2007)

S05 E04 · The Gift of Promise
After an entire series apparently co-written by Laurence Fox, it was SO sexist at SO many points ;;, this came like a breath of fresh air. Was it perfect? I’m of Irish descent, so nooooooo. But It wasn’t problematic enough that you stopped enjoying it, the crime was really fun and I didn’t see a lot

I really, really liked the first episode. I absolutely ADORED this one, even though Fisk and Matt didn’t actually meet at any point. But they’ve got so much going on! Matt is being his usual justice seeking self, an utter sweetheart and a hot mess all wrapped up into one. And Fisk is being a man who

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This was just BAD. Not just on a story level, on a racism and cultural insensitivity level.

the historical setting was very fun. And Jitterbug is an eldritch beast of terror. <33

This was fun! Very broad and not at all profound, but Petra Fina is very hot and it’s just as much of a romp as I vaguely remembered.

I think this is a lot of people’s pick for the bad Rebels episode, and while I’m not going to try and claim that it’s anywhere close to the previous three… It’s alright? There are a lot of fun Hera and Chopper moments, which considering that they’re my favourite two characters amongst the main crew

I really loved this episode too. A two hander between Ezra and Kanan, really digging into both their insecurities and how they’ve kinda been getting in the way of their master/padawan relationship. Rebels does weird force shenanigans so well, and this was a very interesting and moving episode as a r

I have a lot of thoughts on these episodes (grouped together because they’re quite a tight two parter), and all of them are positive. I was discussing this episode with my husband, and we both agreed that this is where Rebels really takes off. I mean, I like the opening episodes! I REALLY like the

Doctor Who (1963)

S10 E04 · The Three Doctors (4)
One of my absolute favourites. We get to see my favourite Doctor again (Two <3), The Brigadier has some very fun expressions, Omega’s first outing is just incredible and it’s a generally fun romp where every single moment is enjoyable in some way.

Doctor Who (1963)

S09 E26 · The Time Monster (6)
Is this a bad story? No. Is it a good story? Hahaha No. Is it a story where there’s Atlantis, a cat, a bird woman and Baby Benton? Unaccountably, yes.

Loki (2021)

S02 E04 · Heart of the TVA
Now this was more like it! I mean, I’m still not going to say that it’s as excellent as was sold to me… But it was a fun and fast moving plot, with a few moments that genuinely made me jump up in my seat. I’m looking forward to seeing how they conclude this, at least, which is always nice.

I didn’t like this very much. The historical element was fun, but there were a lot of other weird elements going on and it just all seemed like it was treading water a lot. IDK, an episode that would’ve been fine in a 26 episode series but just seems a little baffling in a 6 episode series? Mainly,

The problem with watching these two series five years apart is that I have only the very vaguest idea of what’s going on. Catch me sitting there the entire episode wondering if Brad was a major player in the first season and I just deleted him from my mind, and only discovering the truth (I think he

It’s taken a year (lolsob), but we’ve finally got started on Loki season 2! This was a really good beginning! My main thought, tbh, is that I absolutely adore O.B.with my whole entire heart. ;;

Honestly one of my absolute favourites. Just a full on romp where everything is kind of ridiculous, there’s a sword fight for no reason, The Master watches the Clangers, they almost drown about ten stuntmen… And it’s just so perfect and fun, and contains some absolutely incredible character moments.

Doctor Who (1963)

S09 E08 · The Curse of Peladon (4)
It’s a bit of a silly one, but it does have its charms. For me most of the appeal lies in the ice warrior subplot and how well it’s executed. I love them as a species all the time, but for my money this is possibly the best they’re ever used.

Doctor Who (1963)

S09 E04 · Day of the Daleks (4)
This isn’t one that gets talked about that much, but for my money is one of the finest. Wonderfully dark, uses time travel so interestingly and I absolutely adore the character of the controller (played excellently by Aubrey Woods). It’s just such a good and meaty story, and I remain enchanted by it

Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo (1979)

S01 E10 · I Left My Neck in San Francisco
By far my favourite episode of this series so far. Such an interesting case, a really fun villain and I feel like they did great things with Daphne (for once). So good!

Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo (1979)

S01 E09 · Twenty Thousand Screams Under the Sea
Daphne: it’s a cave! Velma: No, Daphne, it’s a SEA CAVE. Girl those are the same thing. Other than that hilarious exchange, what EVEN, this was actually a super good one that I really enjoyed! For once the criminal behind the mask was actually logical, and really well signposted.

Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo (1979)

S01 E08 · The Hairy Scare of the Devil Bear
Another case, with this show, of being braced for something terrible and racist… And then it didn’t happen! Huzzah! So overall a fairly decent story.