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Joined on September 30, 2023


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I haven't seen afterstory at all yet but I watched the first season of this show with my cousin and it was stellar. It's a slice of life drama/comedy about a delinquent named tomoya okazaki who is bumming his life away after the death of his mother and his father's turn to alcoholism. He meets a g

I am making this review after finishing episode 10. This show has actually insulted me. I feel wronged and like I need to file a report to HR. So what is the premise of this LOVELY and INCREDIBLE show you may ask? Basically, this BITCHASS MOTHERFUCKER named Rentaro swings and misses with 100 girls

Fun characters and an interesting look into the american legal system. i'm excited to see where they take the story next.

Only watched the first 3 episodes. I'm sure it gets better later But all the good in this show is drowned out by some of the most heinous shit i've ever seen in an anime. Like I get they were trying to hammer home how shitty the protagonists personality and outlook on life is but i think they went a

Ian Sinclair is the hero we didn't deserve but we most certainly needed.

DIY stocks is still one of the funniest jokes in television

[Insert joke about wage slavery here]