“i could have touched any part of her body.”
every single woman, on some level, will relate to erin doherty’s performance in this ep. the whole time, you can see that she’s sad for jamie, heartbroken for katie, devastated that jamie’s mind has been brainwashed so severely, and concerned that he might never be able to retrain his mindset away from misogyny. the way she tries to coax jamie at the beginning, tries to calm him down when he becomes angry, and only allows her real emotions and tears to come out after the session is over. also, owen cooper’s performance as jamie is beyond incredible, especially his range of going from blinding rage to pure softness in the space of one minute. his denial that he killed katie is terrifying to watch, but then on the flip side, you have these constant, sobering realisations that he’s just a young kid - especially when he screams at briony to “tell my dad i’m alright!” at the end. i’m just in awe. what fucking phenomenal actors they both are. one of the best standalone episodes of tv i’ve ever seen, it genuinely felt like i was watching a play
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