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Joined on January 2, 2022


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I can really do without the joker gang… they are mad annoying.

Not boy wonder getting a spanking 😭

Monica: they’re socks Me & Joey: EXACTLY!!!

My boy Jimmy ain’t deserve all that. Also, did anyone else notice the dip in animation quality? No… just me? Okay 🤷🏾‍♂️

In what world can senestro take on Superman like this… not likely.

Maxima calling Superman a “loser” will never not be funny. 😆

I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, the Mafia side of Batman is not my cup of tea. I find it the least interesting storylines in the Batman universe so making an entire series based on that WITH NO BATMAN is just not on my radar. I tried the show out because people are basically shoving it do

Agatha All Along (2024)

S01 E04 · If I Can't Reach You / Let My Song Teach You
Dope jam session.

Okay Nicky I see you boiiii!

Pacing is VERY slow this season, if it was tightened up this would be a banger of a season because I don’t hate what’s happening it’s just dragging its feet.

The way that Maddison is no one’s favorite 😂

I love watching nick walk around the desert for an hour as much as the next guy but coming off of that epic mid season finale, this episode was kinda wack.

Yo, the board game gets introduced here! This show is really something else.

Really great performances here especially Elliot undercover but this is ABSOLUTELY entrapment and I’m not here for it.

This storyline has been dragged to all hell, I’m so tired of it. They should’ve ended it when they arrested Brouchard in the first place.

Mona is the 🐐


Why did the do that to my girl Spencer !? 😭

“That’s why people do this [have kids]. You get a chance to make someone better than you are” this line roundhouse kicked me in the chest 😭😭😭

The line “I can’t talk about this, I have a math test” is rather hilarious when the topic of discussion is murder 😂

I can’t get over how much Caleb looks like Ian Somerhalder in vampire diaries!

Pretty Little Liars (2010)

S05 E12 · Taking This One to the Grave
Hilarious seeing Toby in a cast and wheelchair yelling “SPENCER!!!!” As they drag her away 😂😂😂 this show is so unserious…. Btw RIP Mona

Shut up Toby, if you go to jail you go to jail for your girl, stop whining.