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Tales of the Walking Dead (2022)
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Reviews for Tales of the Walking Dead

Ngl I actually really enjoyed this. It was diffrent especially the groundhog style ep

I don’t understand what the point of this is… Part of the appeal of the walking dead is investing our time with people so that if something happens to them, I care. I don’t care about any of these people. If this series were to continue, might I suggest two routes: 1) do more stuff like the one

"Tales of the Walking Dead" enttäuscht trotz der soliden Besetzung durch talentierte Schauspieler, da die Serie es versäumt, frische und packende Geschichten im Universum von "The Walking Dead" zu liefern. Während die Darsteller ihr Bestes geben, leidet die Serie unter einem Mangel an Innovation und

pffffffffffff, ns porque hicieron esta serie la verdad 6 cortos, el único que interesa verdaderamente es el de alpha y poco más no me he visto ni fear twd ni twd world beyond y para iniciarme en los spin-offs quería verme esta serie pero creo que no ha sido lo más adecuado jajaja espero que no hagan

A really cool idea, but it had a lot more potential. They chose to explore curious themes in the universe with new characters, it worked well in the first episodes, but it became very generic later. We started off well with Evie/Joe, very fun and intriguing, and moved on to Blair/Gina, which in my o

Just unnecessary

A really interesting concept and could’ve made a good anthology series but most of these episodes just weren’t that good. I liked that they experimented with genre and style and made each episode unique. But they just don’t really fit into the walking dead universe. The stories feel out of place a

I thought FTWD is edgy and whimsy, until I watched this Is this how walkers live and feel?

Gracias the ones who live Y Daryl Dixon por demostrar que the walking dead tiene buenos spin off Diría que los capítulos más decentes son el de Alpha, el de Terry y el del documentarista, los demás si son una mafufada

A set of fresh takes on The Walking Dead universe where individual filmmakers with varying casts get to play around with style and tone isn't quite as successful as it could be but this is interesting stuff still.

mediocre. some high concept stuff but most of it fell flat.

What a waste of potential, Tales of the Walking Dead spent more episodes on supernatural/ hallucination plotlines than actual zombie survival related episodes that the franchise is built around. Other than the Alpha episode I really don't know why they legitimately thought these episodes were good

Wasted potential in its truest form. There were so many stories we told but most were about new characters we didn’t know. I get some people might prefer that but I would have at least liked maybe three prequel episode for characters from the main show. I would have given my right eye for a live act

the stories were wack and made me feel like i was on drugs but other than that, nothing good or bad to say about it

most of the episodes were okay and overly confusing and didnt feel like a zombie show but the alpha episode was pretty good, not as good as the alpha flashbacks in twd tho

Porque eu ainda insisto... Nota dó.

Evie/Joe: 3.5/5 Blair/Gina: 2/5 Dee: 3.5/5 Amy/Dr. Everett: 1.5/5 Davon: 1.5/5 La Dona: 2.5/5 Final Rating: 2.417/5

Pas le meilleur spin off de twd mais quand même sympa

There are some interesting concepts within TWDU that the series presents (time loops, zombie-consciousness, ghosts, etc.) Problem is that most of the characters are unlikeable and some of the ideas don't fit into the mythos established in TWDU

I have very conflicting thoughts on this show. Some of the acting was very lackluster and laughably bad, notably in the first episode where that one lady was supposed to be dying. However, the stories were somewhat interesting, like the one with Alpha (but it seemingly conflicting with the lore in s

Это солянка классных DLC ко вселенной TWD, которые нарушали бы научно-фантастический канон сериала. Проект сомнительный, но парочку эпизодов вызвали классные эмоции. Эпизоды логически и сюжетно между собой не связаны

mmmm interesante

El 3 que sería el de alpha está medianamente bueno aunque decepcionantemente no cuenta casi nada de los whispers y decepciona al uno enterarse que alpha no tuvo nada que ver con la creación del grupo pero no es un mal episodio, y el de audaz que sería el 5 que personalmente disfrute los demas son ma