Backdrop poster for Tales of the Walking Dead
Tales of the Walking Dead
Poster for Tales of the Walking Dead
1 seasons
, 6 episodes
Episode run time
45 minutes
Aug 14 2022
Last aired
Sep 18 2022
☢️ Post-Apocalyptic

Tales of the Walking Dead

2022 • 1 season • 45m • Drama, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Post-Apocalyptic • TV-MA
6 different stories. 1 Dead world.
An episodic anthology series focused on both new and established characters set in the world of "The Walking Dead."

Seasons (1)

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Ngl I actually really enjoyed this. It was diffrent especially the groundhog style ep

I don’t understand what the point of this is… Part of the appeal of the walking dead is investing our time with people so that if something happens to them, I care. I don’t care about any of these people. If this series were to continue, might I suggest two routes: 1) do more stuff like the one

"Tales of the Walking Dead" enttäuscht trotz der soliden Besetzung durch talentierte Schauspieler, da die Serie es versäumt, frische und packende Geschichten im Universum von "The Walking Dead" zu liefern. Während die Darsteller ihr Bestes geben, leidet die Serie unter einem Mangel an Innovation und

Okayyyy, so this is a quite entertaining spin off because it has a different concept for each episode.. but it was very disappointing because I didn't really enjoy it, maybe only 3 episodes that I thought were good, and the rest were very boring 😐 I thought the episode was good; episode 1, episode

pffffffffffff, ns porque hicieron esta serie la verdad 6 cortos, el único que interesa verdaderamente es el de alpha y poco más no me he visto ni fear twd ni twd world beyond y para iniciarme en los spin-offs quería verme esta serie pero creo que no ha sido lo más adecuado jajaja espero que no hagan

Awesome, such a shot in the arm for the franchise! Gone are the soap opera stories, and instead interesting one shots that have a very different feel from episode to episode. This is better than the glory days of the early seasons of the original series. So cool that you are likely to be surpris

I saw these episodes with low expectations, bc many ppl said this series sucked. I don't think so. I liked Alpha backstory, as many others, but I also enjoyed they experiment different approaches they can't do in regular TWD shows. That said, the first episode was the weakest imo bc it didn't bring

Tales of TWD is an anthological series that is full of potential, but it never fully capitalizes on it. Lots of cool ideas and concepts that are sadly largely underwhelming and decent at best.

VERY good mixed bag of stories and characters that branch out from twd/fear/wb. hope there's a s2 and we go beyond the united states (yeah the daryl series will be in europe but i also want new faces too! it's what i deserve personally)

This was a good concept but they could have done more with it but didn't

Tales of the Walking Dead is a bit of a strange entry into the Walking Dead canon. An anthology series that takes some wild swings to play with different subgenres of horror, explores humanity’s endurance, resilience and complexity, and looks at different aspects of the TWDU. It doesn’t all work,

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É como se fosse um TWD com um acréscimo de vibe meio black mirror.

Just unnecessary

Episodes 5 and 6 were actually painful to watch, 1-4 were decent.

I mean it was okay. Definitely not as good as the actual Walking Dead. The biggest reason I found was simply because in The Walking Dead, we get attached to the characters. It’s hard to do that when every episode I have to watch new characters. I think it would’ve been much better if each season of

el potencial de esta serie para expandir el universo, de contar cosas nuevas y distintas y termino siendo una poronga

A really cool idea, but it had a lot more potential. They chose to explore curious themes in the universe with new characters, it worked well in the first episodes, but it became very generic later. We started off well with Evie/Joe, very fun and intriguing, and moved on to Blair/Gina, which in my o

Some of these episodes made me rethink my life ☠️ they were horrible, some were bearable

While an interesting anthology series of characters within the walking dead, most times it fell flat or couldn’t keep a strong handle on the story, introducing many characters that never had any impact on the end Also they tried to play with genres instead of just different characters and while tha

I really liked that every episode was with different people

A really interesting concept and could’ve made a good anthology series but most of these episodes just weren’t that good. I liked that they experimented with genre and style and made each episode unique. But they just don’t really fit into the walking dead universe. The stories feel out of place a