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KAOS (2024)
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Reviews for KAOS

Percy Jackson and the Olympians for sexy psychotics in a midlife crisis. Jeff Goldblum is king, Janet McTeer is queen, Cliff Curtis is dripping wet -- they are my Greek Empire.

Percy Jackson if it was a black comedy made for adults. I loved it. Shit was hilaruous, but also dark, tragic, and fucked up. Brilliant cast, amazing soundtrack. Could have used more David Thewlis tho. Jeff Goldblum was perfect (as always). 2024 seasons ranked: Comedy sho

“Tell them that all the best things are human.” god, i’m so charmed by the familiarity (all the greek mythological characters that percy jackson/madeline miller/hadestown fans (aka ME) know and love and hate) vs the unfamiliarity of it all (all these imaginative interpretations of said characters!!


It has unhinged gods and cute queers. Everyone is hot, everyone is messy, and everyone hates daddy Zeus. It’s a good time.

So new and refreshing, also uses a lot of unknown actors which is something I appreciate alot

Gay Percy Jackson

Thank Gods for this show. It’s everything I hope for from modern television. Humor. Heart. Great casting and writing. An attention grabbing premise. Powerful character development. Messy drama. Powerful female characters and canonically queer characters. Easily one of my top watches of the year so

AHHH PLEASE NETFLIX!!!!! LET HER LIVE!!! GIVE HER A CHANCE This was so unique and beautiful and wacky and well done. I’m obsessed.

i HATE netflix and what they’ve done to tv. shows like these will never find an audience because everyone’s too fucking scared to get invested in anything on this fucking streaming site because all they do is cancel shit that doesn’t get huge numbers straight away. anyway. rip kaos, you could’ve be

A manic state of paranoia, adventure, drama and the best sense of (nightmare) humor I’ve seen in what feels like forever. Goldblum leaves no crumb behind. Delirious and entertaining. Nearly succumbs to ‘death by a hundred storylines’ but each one ends up pulling it’s own weight it doesn’t matter.

A relatively fun and interesting show. Was hoping for a bit more from it, with slightly stronger writing, but I was still entertained by the gods

JUST WHEN IT WAS GETTING GOOD IT ENDDSSSS rlly optimistic about this getting a s2 though , this was so interesting and so refreshing !!

Percy Jackson if he slayed

there are a few reasons why this actually works better than some similar previous attempts: the immense theatrical culture and shakespearean legacy the british have, as well as just the right amount of humor needed to transport something like greek mythology into modern times. i'm genuinely looking

The most bingeworthy series I've seen in a while, and I watch A LOT. This is perfect, exemplary writing without plot armours, fantastic acting by a marvellous and most fitting casting I could ever wish for. Evil Jeff Goldblum? THIS Hera? Fates as fem/transfem subjects? This is insane.

Percy Jackson for adults. Significantly better than the trailer would have you believe

netflix pls don’t cancel this

For someone who have zero knowledge of Greek myth, this is pretty mind blowing! I NEED ANOTHER SEASON!!!!

My hopes for this show were not huge, but I was excited about it. After watching this season, I want more. I need Netflix to renew this show and give it a 10-12 episode season 2.

A good revision of the Greek mythology, very creative and fun. It’s a shame that it got cancelled.

This is one of the netflixiest Netflix shows ever made (complimentary)

I’m 100% the target audience for this show Minus 1 star for ending in a cliffhanger when we know Netflix will cancel everything that’s good

LOVED IT. I love galaxy minded mythology retelling. Obsessed with the ingenious POV switches and red herrings. Fantastic casting and character building. I checked out the creator of this show because I loved it so much and it turns out that he also created one of my other all time favorites — Humans