Backdrop poster for The Leftovers (2014)
The Leftovers (2014)
Poster for The Leftovers
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This season is a miracle. Besides a slight misstep in the third episode, it’s utter perfection through and through. Potentially the most engaged I’ve ever been with a show, not once feeling like taking a break or not clicking next episode. One of the strongest central plots and THE best atmosphere of any tv season are the reason for that. The mixture of the music, lighting, locations, and of course cinematography made for such a dreamlike and, for lack of a better word, gorgeous atmosphere. Episodes 6, 8, and 10 especially were just wow, its always hard to describe what good atmosphere is but this season just has it. This season shines most though in its characters. Kevin’s journey here is one of the greatest in media and I do not say that lightly. He had a ridiculous amount of peaks and three of the best scenes I have ever witnessed in the well scene, homeward bound, and 2x10’s ending. Theroux’s performance is one for the ages and this will go down as one of my favorite character primes (if it even is his prime). Unlike last season though, he isn’t the only draw. The side cast’s quality increased dramatically with the introduction of the Murphy family and the more appropriate and meaningful use of the side cast. Jill and Tom surprised me the most, especially the former. It’s a serious feat for me to go from rolling my eyes at the sight of them to loving them and immediately crying when I saw them in that masterpiece of a season finale. Nora & Matt also obviously shined with their respective POV episodes both being 10/10s, but I don’t think much elaboration needs to go there. As for the Murphy’s, originally I found them uninteresting and strange, but by the end I loved all except Evie and I believe their development and the unveiling of their backstories to be some of the most masterful in the medium. I didn’t realize it at the time, but episode 1 set up so many small mysteries and important ideas with them that slowly got revealed episoded by episode until eventually we know what makes them tick and can’t help but sympathize with them and their deeply tragic backstories. John especially is so fucking good, his dynamic with Kevin is PEAK and he was unbelievable in those last moments of the finale. All in all, I think it’s pretty clear this is one of my favorite seasons and arcs of all time. It moved me in a way only SFU and Mr. Robot have, and I’m never forgetting that first experience watching some of the episodes here, especially I Live Here Now which still has me in awe. And for the record I still am not counting episode 9 though it has grown on me a bit. 𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐒 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐃 1.) I Live Here Now (T5) 2.) International Assassin (T20) 3.) A Most Powerful Adversary 4.) No Room at the Inn 5.) Lens 6.) Orange Sticker 7.) A Matter of Geography 8.) Axis Mundi 9.) Off Ramp 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋 #5-7 Season 11/10


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Bro is NOT acknowledging 2x9's existence
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Biggest W I saw today
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Massive W for 2x9 erasure
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I live here now is the best 2x9 oat imo
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I used to have ILHN over IA but with time i think they kinda swapped for me. Homeward Bound def didnt carry that finale its amazing all the
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way but that was def the selling point of that ep. In 2x8 its like this constant dreamstate that just fucking pumps you with adrenaline and
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Why is everybody talking about a 2x9? Didn't this season skip right from 2x8 to 2x10?
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2x7 underrated
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@saam no 2x9 was a black screen with no audio for an hour
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@MrAlderson id genuinly prefer that
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it’s a matt matt matt matt world
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@andreasbolton I think we all would
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@ZayUpNext you missed the ‘’, , , ,’’ stop acting like you didnt fake watch you dont even know the title of the ep😭🙏
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Meg > Kevin, nora, tom, Jill, Matt, john, lauri
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it’s a matt matt matt matt world , , , ,
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Mf count ep 9 and automatically season gets worse
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@oll1e only thing holding it back from top 5 oat ngl
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If i say what i say you'll claim me as a hater so i won't say it
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Exact same ranking as a season, W
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I will not tolerate E3 slander
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You HAVE to include the worst episode oat, this season should be a 1/5 just for that
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@oll1e don’t want to tho, and even if I did it literally wouldn’t affect my opinion at all its a non-factor for me either way
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ily nouser
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W great Review
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Caps at 9
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I've just started watching this show and now i'm interested to see if s2 really is this good.
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@AbigTVfan just a fair warning so you don’t get dissapointed, it does have one eh episode (3) and one quite bad one (9) for me they
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Didn’t end up affecting my rating at all but it’s still better to be prepared for them
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Lol this season made me drop the show
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dont pick it up AidenLastName018
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2x9 is a great ep
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@banditry great is a stretch but it’s alright
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top 9 s2
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@JimmyIsHot fucking annihilates any brba/bcs season
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Andreas L 😪
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Ske**adle you Ollie😡😡😡
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Dont know what that means 🔥🔥🔥
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Flipp you ollie😡🔥
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@banditry I keep getting told that 2x9 is fantastic and that I should pick it back up, but I just don’t care about anything happening.
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Think you have it mistaken with 2x08 @AidanLastName018
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Nouser I love you sm, leftovers s2 is prob if not tied for my fav s2 with Hannibal s2 both are so amazing
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@sparzx Maybe, but I was told that the last 2 or so episodes are fantastic, but again, I was not enjoying this show enough to care
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Get this season past BCS s1 first
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