rewatching this made me realize i grossly underestimated just how well done this was over time. maybe because i was 16 at the time, but this was very impressively made and deserving of the cultural phenomenon it instantly became. legitimately well built up suspense, great sci-fi visuals mixed with well done nostalgia bait that can appeal to multiple generations. a true reset, not to mention an instantly iconic cast and characters where everybody had something to do and felt / was important . like just a mastercraft production .
what holds it back from being 5 stars is i feel though the show missed a few character beats that needed resolve. Jonathan taking pictures of Nancy got confronted but it runs the risk of letting Jonathan being bizarre get off too easy. and Steve’s redemption arc is a better redemption arc than most you’ll see…. but his change of heart still feels jarring to me at least . still my family tho