Has about the blandest protagonist I've seen in a while - which was odd since the other characters constantly (and literally) talks about how brave and amazing she is as though Garland himself was saying "Hey, guys, look at her, she's so quirky and cool! Stan this queen!!" (sidenote: why did I feel more chemistry between Katie and Lily compared to all the men they were paired up with?)
Now that I think about it, there's absolutely no depth to almost all the characters at all. Literally. It's a tv series, so you expect that we'll have more time to get to know the characters but instead they spend it on insufferably preachy "commentary" that repeats itself over and over and over again. They do try very hard to be deep and profound. The commentary is about as subtle as a brick, if a shot of Nick Offerman with a halo is subtle enough for you, then maybe side characters just straight up info dumping you will help you realize what Garland is trying to say.
Was this supposed to be a mystery? No! They show what happened to Sergei literally on the first episode. So it's about what Devs is actually about? Also no! It's revealed quite soon (and predictably enough) so there's really no other mystery than "Let's watch this woman try to find out what we already know" which doesn't really make for a compelling show - especially a show as slow as this. I think I'll forget about this show in a few days.
For a more positive note, it was creepy at times so I'm still optimistic about his offbeat horror, Men.