I don’t think I expected this to become one of my favorite shows ever but it has EARNed its spot there rightfully and solidly. I saw clips on insta and yt and thought huh this doesn’t seem like what I’d expect. Watched this whole thing with my friend who saw the same as I did on the socials. This is exactly my kind of show, yet I didn’t know I needed it nor did I know this kind of show existed. In fact there is not really anything quite like Atlanta.
I’m gonna miss these characters so much. All of them, of course, but above all of them is Darius.
I think about Darius on a daily basis. I embody him within myself when I do things now. I heard someone recently say that they only find characters good when they’re interesting, yet they only find characters interesting if they have “character development.” This is an incredibly single-minded approach. My mind, naturally, went to Darius. One could strongly argue that Darius has no overarching narrative wherein he himself changes for better or worse. He is simply a constant. And he himself is imo the MOST interesting character in the show. He is not without character, as a characters development is not what defines them as one, but it’s their traits and their social manipulation among other things. The last episode of course supplied him with some depth yet still no “development”. One of his biggest traits is ignorance. Or rather his inability to stand up. Speak up. Look at when they were in Europe. He got a woman’s life ruined for not speaking up about what happened. This makes him interesting. His absurd non-sequitur nature makes him interesting. The fact that he is the glue of our other three main characters makes him interesting. Darius is one of the greatest characters ever written and he in unchangeable. (Aside from fashionable appearances.)
I can’t wait to rewatch this whole thing. I really can’t. I’ve been so inspired by this series.