Backdrop poster for The Wire (2002)
The Wire (2002)
Poster for The Wire
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The Wire (2002)
The Wire season 4 is a masterpiece. Every single acting performance in this season is perfect. Every single character in this season is perfect. Every single line of dialogue is perfect. Every is perfect. The wire is probably the most realistic show I have ever seen, everything feels so real to the point I feel I have a personal connection to every single character. To think that this show came out 20 years ago blows my mind, this show is timeless and will forever remain a masterpiece. No other show has made me care for characters like the wire has. The wire season 4 has so many good characters I think I’m gonna have to think for like a decent 30 minutes choosing my top 5 characters. All the kids are insanely good characters and I can’t say which is best. Micheal is one of the most tragic developments in character I have ever seen, on the other hand Namond’s story is fulfilling and amazing to see a happy conclusion to his struggle with drug dealing and the corners. Randy is also one of the most depressing and devastating characters ever. Dukie is now slinging which is shocking in itself but watching prez watch him deal was tragic considering everything prez had done for him. Now enough of the children time to move on to other characters. Antagonists Marlo is one of the greatest antags of all time. He is careful just like stringer but more terrifying. He is a complete psychopath and has never shown any morality. Marlo soldiers are honestly scarier, Snoop on her own isn’t as scary but paired with Chris they are disgusting. Chris is definitely one of the best depictions of a psychopath I’ve ever seen, although alternatively there is some evidence to back the fact that he is an extremely broken man. Deuteragonists Omar is definitely in my top 3 deuteragonists after this season. He is stealing the show one scene at a time and I can’t get enough of him. He is so friendly yet so terrifying and is acted to perfection. More Side Characters Bubbs man :(.⚠️ !SPOLIER! ⚠️When bubbs tried to hang himself it really broke my heart, it was enough to make a grown man cry. Imma need a bubbs redemption arc where he quits drugs and improves on himself or Imma never recover. ⚠️ !SPOILER OVER! ⚠️ Ellis Carver is probably my favourite cop other than bunk atm. His care for Randy makes him one of the most likeable characters ever, I hope he survives the game. Plot: 9.9/10 || HIGH S TIER Consistency: 9.6/10 || MID S TIER Pacing: 9.7/10 || MID S TIER Antagonists: 11/10 || BETTER THAN S TIER Protagonist: 8.5/10 || MID A TIER Deuteragonist: 11/10 || BETTER THAN S TIER Side Characters: 10/10 || HIGH S TIER Dialogue: 9.6/10 || MID S TIER Acting: 9.4/10 || HIGH A TIER Cinematography: 9.5/10 || LOW S TIER Overall: At the end of the review Top 5 Episodes 1. Final Grades || 9.9/10 || HIGH S TIER 2. That’s Got His Own || 9.7/10 || MID S TIER 3. A New Day || 9.5/10 || LOW S TIER 4. Know Your Place || 9.1/10 || MID A TIER 5. Misgivings || 9/10 || MID A TIER Top 5 Characters 1. Bubbles || 10/10 || HIGH S TIER 2. Omar || 10/10 || HIGH S TIER 3. Bodie || 9.9/10 || HIGH S TIER 4. Marlo || 9.9/10 || HIGH S TIER 5. Chris Partlow || 9.4/10 || MID S TIER I’m gonna have to explain my number 5 so here. I have put Chris at number 5 because his character intrigues me more than any other, I need to know his backstory on why he acts as he does. I need to know if he is just a psycho which would probably make him like a 8.4/10 or if he’s broken. So atm I love the mystery behind his character so that’s why he high Overall 10/10 || HIGH S TIER Basically a flawless season. I know you guys probably didn’t read allat so Imma give a quick summary of what I said. All character are deep and amazing. Every word of dialogue has layers. It’s the most realistic show ever. Antags are terrifying. Yeah that’s about it. Actually one con, when the credits rolled.

You probably ain’t gonna read allat


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Consistency 10/10 easily
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W best season oat
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I read allat. Amazing review on the greatest season of television ever.
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@barryenthus yeah I might change it to a 9.8/10
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Give it a 10
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I have to agree I personally think this is the best season of television, I can't wait to rewatch. Great review!
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