Backdrop poster for She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
Poster for She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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I really enjoy this series, but god, I wish the first few episodes were as strong as the later episodes because some of this dialogue just doesn't hit. Adora and Catra's interactions are the best part of the premiere, while Glimmer and Bow's dialogue (for the most part) feels really silly, especially when they meet Adora, which for the most part is when they get better. The animation doesn't look that great, love the art style of the series, if certain shots and character/background details were more consistent, I would give it more credit. Not a terrible premiere, but I could understand why *certain* people may have been turned off when this kind of feels like the first chapter for a She-Ra AU, and I haven't watched the original series so maybe I'm exaggerating.


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