Backdrop poster for The Idol (2023)
The Idol (2023)
Poster for The Idol
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The Idol (2023)
sam levinson try not to film nude women challenge (impossible)


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When other directors do it nobody cares but when Sam does it it’s a problem also like he has 3 films without that 🤣but omg all of a -
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Sudden nudity is a problem now
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@lawstshane nobody is saying nudity is a problem and yk that?? but if you’re depicting teens in a show and they’re always nude it’s-
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-pretty weird 😭😭 like don’t try to twist their review on purpose
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1. The actors are not teen 2. Have h been to high school? If u have u would know teenagers n high school have sex all the fucking time -
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It’s normal like y’all r saying it’s weird like y’all wasent probably having sex in high school also😂
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@indeed._a_lobotomy2 “don’t twist their reveiw” bro they had no review
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@ineed._a_lobotomy2 thank you it’s so disturbing by how much this director loves shooting extreme nude and sexual scenes especially as teens
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@lawstshane um lots of shows have high schoolers having sex that’s not the problem it’s how much extreme and unnecessary nudity is used
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and read The Rolling Stones article on the stuff he wanted to shoot but couldn’t its even more disturbing and will show you how he’s a creep
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@ineed._a_lobotomy2 @Henny524 1. They're adult actors. Get over it. 2. They're adult actors playing teen characters. Get over it. 3. This isn't a "Cuties" situation. Get over it. 4. It's simple, get over it.
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@zachprince lol okay did u read The Rolling Stones article? There’s a difference and a line between “art” and “being a creep”
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@Henny524 why should I care about what a biased music newspaper magazine has to say?
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@zachprince I mean just to see the part where it talks about what he wanted to put into the show before it was taken out
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loneliness epidemic is real, there are trolls busting veins trying for an argument bc it’s the only human interaction they can get 😔💔 rip
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you when consenting adult women are comfortable in their natural state because your brain has been consumed by puritanical propaganda: 🤯🤯
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Sheesh so y’all would really let anything in television pass as okay just cuz it’s called “art” or “expression of self” 💀
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@zachprince going in circles, endless circles babes!
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@mima I’m not even gonna start anymore there’s nothing else I can say 😭
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@lawstshane the problem is sam Levinson loves to put a blonde girl being naked or sexualized 90% of the screentime each also happened to euphoria
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@evanjvilla you when you don’t recognise the difference between sexual empowerment vs exploitation and objectification for male pleasure: 🤯
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help help! a naked woman help half star on serializd help please. And it's 2023, nice
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Go Watch Assasination Nation Lol
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Everyone who’s reading this please like my new review of twin peaks <3
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