I remember April 15 2013 like it was yesterday. It was Patriots Day, a holiday in Massachusetts that occurs on every third Monday in April. A day where schools are closed, public transportation is stalled in the city, the Red Sox play at 11:00am and the annual Boston Marathon occurs. It’s always a day that’s meant to celebrate the city and its people. On that day in 2013, I was doing a science experiment a few miles away from the city outdoors on deflated footballs (this was even before Deflatgate was a thing) and on my way back, my dad and I were listening to the local sports radio when we heard murmurs about two explosions by the finish line of the Marathon. It was around 3:00pm, so there was very little information given at the moment. But this sparked the beginning of the longest week in the city’s history.
Watching this documentary really brought me back in real time through the horrors we all had to face that week. And all the little things that happened that caused a domino affect into the eventual death & capture of the suspects. I still get goosebumps watching footage of police capturing Dzokhar Tsarnaev from the boat and everyone around the city & the world cheering. This was a really well structured documentary and still can’t believe some of the occurrences that happened. The phrase “Boston Strong” became a common term throughout the manhunt and coming weeks afterwards and it really set the tone for how unbreakable the city of Boston was. And even though I now live in LA, I’m always going to consider myself a proud Bostonian. This was one of the better crime documentaries Netflix has put out recently. I had followed the 5 day long manhunt religiously when it originally occurred, and this doc still showed footage/shared information I didn’t know about. A pretty informative documentary.