“How do I take off a mask when it stops being a mask, when it’s as much a part of me as I am?”
This is the greatest piece of media I have ever seen. I don’t think anything will ever top the impact this show had on me. I love every aspect; characters, writing, depth, cinematography, acting, music, dialogue, themes, pacing, dynamics, just everything about this show is perfect.
I also love how no episode is the same, and there is always a twist. There are so many different artsy, cinematic episodes that make this show feel more than just television. I genuinely think every episode is flawless.
The approach this show takes in order to tackle mental health and capitalism is so unique and creative. I got so many goosebumps, I cried, I laughed, I smiled, I stressed. Elliot Alderson is probably my favourite character ever and is easily one of the best protagonists of all time.
Thank you, Sam Esmail, for creating this masterpiece.
Top 10 Characters:
1. Elliot Alderson
2. Mr. Robot
3. Dominique DiPierro
4. Leon
5. Fernando Vera
6. Tyrell Wellick
7. Darlene
8. Phillip Price
9. Irving
10. Gideon Goddard
Top 10 Episodes:
1. S4E13: ‘Hello, Elliot’
2. S4E7: ‘407 Proxy Authentication Required’
3. S3E10: ‘shutdown -r’
4. S4E9: ‘409 Conflict’
5. S4E5: ‘405 Method Not Allowed’
6. S3E5: ‘eps3.4_runtime-err0r.r00’
7. S4E12: ‘whoami’
8. S3E8: ‘eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko’
9. S4E4: ‘404 Not Found’
10. S3E6: ‘eps3.5_kill-pr0cess.inc’
Seasons Ranked:
1. Season 4 (5/5)
2. Season 3 (5/5)
3. Season 1 (5/5)
4. Season 2 (5/5)
#1 Show
#1 Season
#1 Episode