My biggest worry about this series was that the music would be terrible and the band, unbelievable. Turns out, that was nothing to worry about. What I should have been concerned about was the very same problems I had with the book. Pacing mostly. The first half of this show goes so fast that it is hard to remember the names of more than 3 characters, let along care about any of them. Even Daisy and Billy are thrusted into plot so fast that it feels like you are watching a crash course in a band, not even a documentary. Then the second half decides to take an extremely slow turn. Whether it was just in comparison or in general, the second half drags.
The show is amazing where it is amazing and bad where it is bad. Some actors shine while others are embarrassingly unbelievable. Some hair is amazing while some wigs are so bad you want to turn the show off. The most consistent thing about this show is the songs actually being good... well, most of them. I just don't think I will remember this show even exists in a few months.