This show is okay. Just okay.
It didn’t take long for me to realize the quest we were going on, but what was keeping me from caring was a distinct lack of stakes. I feel like the first episode tried to hold so much weight in making us care about Airk enough to get us to believe that Elora was in love with him enough to run off to save him despite having zero skills. There was also a grey area of interest for Kit, is she doing it out of duty or love for her brother, and neither were compelling enough to justify these lengths. Everyone else was just along for the ride out of duty (or love for Kit) but the biggest issue was a party that was just too big. It took at least the first 3 episodes to remember names, let alone who these people were and even then, they’re changing so fast that they barely resemble who we just learned. It felt like they wanted us to give in to the stereotypes of who these people were supposed to be, but they weren’t like those stereotypes at all.
I said the whole way through, “this show either needs to go full camp and be fun, or hard left and take it full Game of Thrones” and I was a bit surprised when the last episode felt like it found some footing. With some moments that made me full on laugh, the show seemed fun for a good portion of that final episode. I hope they lean back more toward a Princess Bride vibe if the show continues.
Please. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have a show with sword-wielding sapphics and this is the last one left. (A bit ironic that it’s Disney though.)