Backdrop poster for Breaking Bad (2008)
Breaking Bad (2008)
Poster for Breaking Bad
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9.4/10. One of the greatest first seasons of all time. Similar to Game of Thrones, this season works beautifully with a rewatch. You appreciate all the subtle hints and character moments more. The pacing was somewhat off but apart from that, this was a fantastic first season. S Tier. Places 8th in my greatest first seasons list. Favorite episode 1x6 titled “Crazy Handful of Nothin”.


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4/5 at best
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True detective season 1 sitting in the watchlist waiting to blow away your "greatest first season list"
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wow this was unexpected. i respectfully disagree but I see your points
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I still think there are better first seasons of out there but this one is up there.
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Wtf it caps at a fucking 7.5
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mid start, 9.4/10 is atrocious, no more than a 6.5
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