I understand some have gripes with this season as an overarching narrative and how messy it can get. Especially compared to season as to where it was where more tight and focused. Although I still think this season is amazing in just how it’s able to expand its themes and plots even if it’s more expanded.
The side plots with arguably all the innies this season are essentially just conflicts with their outtie selfs. I think a lot of people miss the point that most of this season is more about innies vs outties whereas in season 1 was more the innies vs Lumon.
I can see some episodes not entirely into that theme like episode 7 with Gemma and Mark’s backstory (although this is major towards the overarching plot of the show), episode 8 which is pretty pointless but still important to the shows overarching plot I guess.
The minor flaws this season has outside of episode 8 entirely is the pacing isn’t the best especially episode 8 and 9 since they’re just set up for the finale. Mark not being fully reintegrated this season and kind of felt like the ending of episode 3 just feels wasteful and the hyping up to Mark getting fully reintegrated was just bs. Overall this show feels like it has some plot holes, but I’m sure that’ll just get sown up by the end of the show
The more I think about it, the more episode 10 is very miss interrupted I think by people. Yes it has a plot armor moment or two and some random Lumon activities, but overall this episode is about outties vs innies and the revolution of the innies in deserving more freedom than given by both their outties and Lumon. Also shows how the outties consequences have caught up to them in creating a new version of themselves. Last 10 minutes is just masterpiece tv
Top 3 episodes:
1. 2x10
2. 2x7
3. 2x4
Top 5 characters:
1. Mark Scout
2. Helena Egan
3. Dylan
4. Irving
5. Mr.Milchick