Backdrop poster for Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997)
Poster for Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Feeling generous so it lands on a 3.5, but we’re closer to a 3 than a 4 here, unfortunatly. It reamly kinda fails at establishing the new tone from the getgo, but one thing this did make me realise(that I will also get into in my angel review) is how fucking great Cordelia was. Man she was kinda the soul and now, in the cast, there is definetly a hole(that rhymed, hehe) . Also the main plotline feels like a sloopy, undercooked one-episode plot that you would see in S1 or something. This does have it really great moments, especially for our core cast. Willow is great, Spike is here to stay. Also, of course hush was amazing.
