Backdrop poster for Adolescence (2025)
Adolescence (2025)
Poster for Adolescence
tricked and deceived with the false hope of a somewhat happier transition from the harsher realities but this show encapsulates exactly what situations as tragic as these consist of. theres the initial shock, denial, feelings of conflict that this simply couldnt be. then comes the painful fate of acknowledging that this has really happened. but along with all of these difficult emotions comes short bursts of a laugh, a joke, a distraction which momentarily drags the attention away from the situation. they were able to capture that. I left the show with tears streaming down my face and with a knot in my throat. "I'm sorry son, I shouldve done better" hit me like brick. the last scene was melancholic but satisfactory. I'm glad that they decided to make it a 4 episode series because every aspect of the situation is shown in the ways that it mattered.
