Honestly I didn’t think it was possible for them to replicate or even outdo the feeling that season 1’s finale incited, but OH MY WORD have they done it again ✋😐🖐️ The finale takes you on an emotional rollercoaster, that made me tear up twice throughout its 75mins runtime; once out of pure elation and once out of pure despair. I laughed at some of the absolute randomness that Severance provides with the very much needed comedic relief thrown in during this tension fuelled episode.
Getting to the specifics of this episode though, there were so many peak moments - spoilers ahead🚨 (Please click off if you haven’t watched the finale yet) 🚨
The conversation between the two Marks was surreal to witness, it added a whole new layer to Severance that we were yet to experience before today. As much as we wanted it to be straightforward, the conflict that Mark S felt was extremely valid & fuelled the tension of the finale 10 folds.
Fast forward to the conversation that Mark.S & Helly had during the completion of Cold Harbour (tear jerker #1), it was gut-wrenching seeing Helly encourage the rescue plan despite knowing what fate lays ahead for her. That ‘I wanna live with you’ line from Mark literally broke my heart.
Quick shout out to Dylan G btw, it’s not a season finale without him going into demon mode to help his team do what they need to do.
The finale goes up a whole other level when Mark approaches the dark hallway. That fight scene was thrilling and showcased a level of brutality you rarely see in Severance.
Then finally, THE moment of this episode. Tear jerker #2 - the reunion, dare I say one of, if not the best reunion in Television history. The rest of the episode literally has you on the edge of your seat until that absolutely devastating conclusion.
That decision at the end was brutal but perfectly sets the scene for season 3. I can’t f***ing wait (hopefully not another 3 years this time).