a somewhat intense & emotional 4 part miniseries about a boy who is arrested for the killing of a classmate.
the entire thing is done in one continuous shot with no cuts,
& while this is what makes the show unique,
it’s also where it drags it down.
i can see where the claims of “boring” are coming from as there are times where the pacing is super super sluggish,
like a cut scene would do this so much justice.
the story is also pretty plain & ordinary, & if you’ve seen things like ‘when they see us’, it’s hard not to compare
also they really don’t expand on the story itself when they could’ve done a lot with the girl at school & everything, so that entire side of the story is sorta just useless
stephen graham kept me in this despite his lack of screentime, who i believe is a top20 best actor ever.
everything he’s in he’s just fucking phenomenal & always
out acts everyone,
he’s truly maybe my favorite actor ever & doesn’t get enough praise because he’s just better than 99% of the industry.
his subtle transition from nice guy to full on rage is one of the most satisfying things to watch
i guess it’s an important show but it falls flat of anything crazy or groundbreaking - i can see what they were going at but overall an overrated miniseries,
& the ending sorta is just whatever,
stephen graham makes it work though,
other miniseries similar to this like ‘the night of’ on HBO need more recognition.