One of the most important tv shows of the last decade, it couldn’t have come at a better time. Netflix’s limited series focuses on the influence of todays media and the effect it has on teenage boys and the actions that can come from it
Owen Cooper, I have to say, absolutely phenomenal, this is this kids first acting job and from the very first scene he stole the show, the way he went from scared little boy to threatening and scary was absolutely insane. Episode 3 especially, it really showcases the switch in this boys attitude, and it is scary, knowing that these people exist and are out there. I mean I get home from work today and see on the news about a teenage boy that’s murdered his family coz of a video game character, these people exist and it’s terrifying, that’s what this series is highlighting, and with it releasing while stuff like this is happening in real time, it’s showing how important an issue like this is
The filmmaking was exceptional, having each episode be a complete un-cut one-shot was ambitious, but it’s something they pulled off, I have been reading the QnA stuff that’s been posted over the last few days and it’s truly impressive how they managed to achieve this
People want drama, they want a plot twist, unfortunately this show doesn’t give that to you, but what it does give is awareness and an understanding of how horrible the world can be, but it also shines a light on the people that make it a positive place, and I think it’s important to highlight. There’s nothing like this on television right now, and it’s truly something special, I’ve seen a lot of discussion around making this a mandatory watch in all secondary schools in the country and I do agree, it’s important to witness and teach children now, and making this show available to those teenagers is a step in the right direction, it may not solve the problem, but it may solve 1 problem, and that’s what we need