Backdrop poster for Adolescence (2025)
Adolescence (2025)
Poster for Adolescence
“I’m sorry son, I should’ve done better” A final episode to showcase how an event like this affects the family of the accused (or at this point, the actual killer) it’s different than what people might’ve expected, as much as I love a good courtroom drama, that wouldn’t have fit this show, we don’t need drama for dramas sake, and I feel like that’s where the main realm of complaints is coming from, there’s no “big twist” or “massive reveal”.. but that isn’t what this show is about To see them try to keep a happy face, and live a normal life, with this thing hanging over them, it’s devastating. The conversation between the parents was my favourite part, with them questioning whether it was their fault, and almost trying to convince each other that it wasn’t, it opened an interesting dialogue That final scene with the dad in his sons room was absolutely devastating, just truly heartbreaking to watch
