Undisputed most satisfying one piece moment 🫡
The start of this arc with the Sanji lookalike guy has been pretty meh, but the last few episodes with the 11 supernova pirates (esp Law and Kid), the celestial dragons/creators lore and Camie’s kidnapping has been amazing and this episode wrapped the act up perfectly 🙏 I already hated that ugly fucker before he shot Hachi but that was the final straw and he deserved even worse
Also not confirmed but spoiler warning just incase, I’m 99% sure Luffy and Zoro both just used haki? Luffy against the Sanji lookalike and Zoro when he intimidated all those bounty hunters, how/when did they learn to do that and do they even know they’re doing it 😭 oh and Ace is getting executed? Luffy needs to follow that piece of paper ASAP
Top 7 episode so far 😁