ARE YOU KIDDING, THE INCEST HAPPENED FOR CHRIST SAKE. Lochlan don’t commit incest.. kiss me instead..
So a few days ago in the penultimate episode of Severance we had to watch two old gays horribly break up in a complete tragedy, and now we have to watch just complete gay incest between 2 brothers.. welcome to gay rep in media’s great here😭😭
“You want to live in Taiwan?!” Made me howl with laughter, Parker Posey is so funny, I’m still going round saying “Piper Nooough, tsunamiiiiii, Buddhismmmm” annoying anyone I come into contact with. This episode was wild, I mean it was a vibe.. so much partying I loved it. The 3 women (whose names I can never remember) were fun to watch too, probably the tamest part of the episode weirdly, even tho there was something scandalous happening at the end there.. more bitching about each other incoming..
Walton Goggin’s face during Sam Rockwells monologue is one of the funniest moments of this whole show, he was trying so hard to listen and not judge but failed miserably, I love when Goggins gets to show his acting ability coz he looked destroyed it was so funny💀
I’ve just seen the preview for episode 6.. please reveal they aren’t brothers.. then they can passionately fuck each other, we all wanna see it