Backdrop poster for Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre (2023)
Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre (2023)
Poster for Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre
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If you're ever asked what you think is the most bizarre and macabre thing about Japan, here's a good example as an answer. Junji Ito: Maniac delivers. Dark, gruesome, creepy, full of sinister mysteries, and bearing the hallmark of Japanese anime quality. However, there are some major issues to be addressed. The biggest of all is the editing and writing. It's perfectly understandable that some original stories are too short to fill a full episode of the series, but where's the expertise of the writers and editors? It's unacceptable that a story abruptly cuts off at any point in an episode to transition to another. It's so abrupt it's irritating. That knocks my rating down several points. Another factor that could have negatively affected it's that the overall quality of the stories was too unstable. Most of the stories were quite good, but there were a few that were quite boring and left more questions than answers. The animation and drawing style are of good quality, but not terribly outstanding. Good sound editing and good voice acting. As a final thought, I enjoyed the series, but I felt it was a bit disappointing. Recommended for adults only. 7.0/10


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