This season is by far and away the best Invincible season up to this point. Way more consistent compared to the first two seasons and has three of the top 6 episodes in the show up to this point (3x2, 3x7, and 3x8). The side plots here are just a lot more fluent and complimentary to the story.
The first conflict of the season with Cecil vs Mark was great and Cecil’s episode was amazing. The development of Oliver’s character and morality lines up great with Mark’s as they play off each other very well. The build up of Rex’s character is amazing as well and his dynamic with Ray is sweet. The addition of Powerplex as this tragic character is very well done, but also plays a great role in Mark’s morality and thinking about his past crimes done by his father.
Mark and Eve’s relationship develops very well and just a very a cute relationship. Although we didn’t get as much Omni Man or Allen this season which is a bummer, the prison breakout is one of the more important scenes of this season and it really shows how far Omni man has come since the start of the show. Also seeing more Battle Beast is amazing and for sure is one of the biggest fan favorite characters in the show.
Even the somewhat filler episode pushes forward Mark’s morality ever so slightly to eventually lead him to where he is by the end of the season. I think that’s what makes this season so great is every episode asks Mark the question if killing is justifiable if the ends justify the means and throughout the season he never believed that until Angstrom came back. Since he didn’t kill Angstrom the first time, he now justifies killing him more than ever especially since Mark believes he’s the cause of thousands of people around the world. By the time Conquest killed Eve for maybe a minute, Mark is now in the belief that if these evils get close to his loved ones or being able to destroy most of Earth they deserve to die. And him saying this to Oliver at the end is really important as this is Oliver’s main belief already and maybe even more radical. This whole season Oliver wanted Mark to see what he was seeing in that bad guys should die no matter what and now he’s gotten that.
By the way the animation is not that good outside of the final two episodes and just hope it gets back to being more consistent again.
Top 3 episodes:
1. 3x8
2. 3x7
3. 3x2
Top 5 characters
1. Mark
2. Cecil
3. Rex
4. Powerplex
5. Oliver