Beyond incredible character study on Walt & Jesse, especially from that overhated episode ‘Fly’.
The writing in here was shocking, moving, entertaining, and so unbelievably genius all in all. This is just one of those shows similar to True Detective Season 1 for example where not only is the story masterfully written but also the dialogue that is said too. It all feels like it’s written with golden ink, like that gif/meme of Gunna’s music video where he’s writing and his house and everything is on fire because the writing is so fire.
‘Breaking Bad’ is unironically so funny too, amazing black/dark comedy whether it’s subtle or not or absurd, it works perfectly.
That was one hell of a phenomenal finale as well. So emotional and heartbreaking for Gale but it was such a clutch moment for Walter and for the story. Truly special writing man.
All in all Season 3 was a little slow in a few episodes but still ends up being entertaining enough and greatly written and produced enough to make me want continuously watch all the episodes. (10/10)