Poster for The X-Files
i forgot to start writing this before i actually finished the show and the post-series depression hit and my mind will go out, or more accurately and delusionally, i hoped i would skip it this time(yeah right)........ but then, moments before i fell asleep the fact that i finished the show hit me, and i spent the entire night watching gillian and david interviews/bts/bloopers. so now my mind is empty and i am empty. i think this is going to be very serious. pray for me🙏 but FINE, i'll try to write something with the one remaining coherent thought i can create. it won’t be good, but at least it won’t be an empty log. this show is truly a masterpiece. it has its place in the history books for a reason. i can now see how many of my favorite shows have been influenced by its impact. what's weird about this, though, is that my love and appreciation for it and for certain episodes never come at the same moment, but after some time. like, now that i've finished it, i look back and fall in love with even just the thought of this show. this is art. mulder and scully are two of the greatest characters ever, even when they're apart. but together, they are truly one of a kind. their dynamic and their chemistry keep me up at night. and they somehow managed to become one of my favorite couples, even though we were robbed and they were actually together for only like two episodes and one movie out of 11 seasons, 218 episodes, and two movies (truly outrageous). i will miss them very much. (especially mulder!! my babygirl, my everything. nobody understands me like him.) i don’t know if i’ll do a full rewatch anytime soon, but i will rewatch the hell out of random motw episodes all the time!!! and i'm going to enjoy every second of it. also say hello to the newest addition to my top five favorite shows.
