Poster for Severance
"Wow it's only episode 3 and Mark is already reintegrating! I can't wait to see where this goes!" Are you really happy with where it went after so many episodes? Why did Cobel make them wait till night but have no conversation with them to explain Cold Harbor? Did they go to the forest in the morning just so they could have the scene where Mark calls Milchick to call in sick. The showrunners probably wanted that last scene to take place at night for 'cinematic' intent with the fire and all but the writers had no idea how to progress time to get there. You're telling me they just waited out in the cold the whole day and Mark didn't ask any questions at all? Why is Devon speaking like she's in a soap opera. If Mark is so important then why isn't Lumon keeping tabs on him, he's just lollygaging on Lumon's 'most important day'. Yeah right. How does Cobel know about Jame and his secrets like that, and the Twilight Zone password on top of that? If only we had a dedicated Cobel episode that would explain that to us. Sorry the show doesn't have enough time for that, it's only 10 episodes! It was interesting though with the password which was a reference to a Twilight Zone episode about a woman who was looking for a gold thimble in a store but it turns out she was a mannequin who became human for a month and is forced to go to the 9th floor to become a mannequin again so that another one can become human for a month. Now there's an example of how to write a decent story with the time you're given. 2 episodes with no subplots and now all the subplots are just people leaving with no build up whatsoever, and the 'build up' we did get was some new side characters giving the old side characters some character depth, which were pretty much like nothingburgers made to look good for a tv commercial. Everybody besides Mark feels pointless to the story. But remember, all the drawn out establishing shots and the 5 second pauses between each sentence is art! Smh this season finale better be good. I really wanna love this show like everyone else and be proven wrong. Justice for Eustice.
