I really, really liked the first episode. I absolutely ADORED this one, even though Fisk and Matt didn’t actually meet at any point. But they’ve got so much going on! Matt is being his usual justice seeking self, an utter sweetheart and a hot mess all wrapped up into one. And Fisk is being a man who gets things done, who IS doing his best… But to the worst possible ends (which is why I love him so much as a character. He so easily could be good! He so obviously thinks that he’s doing good the majority of the time! He just can’t resist blackmail and murder threats <3).
AND THE END SCENE. The explosion of Matt’s rage is so well done, so satisfying to watch and yet also kinda heartbreaking. It leaves the episode at a really interesting point…
WHICH WON’T BE RESOLVED FOR A WEEK. ;; I am generally very against the binge watch style of TV, I want to SAVOUR like a FINE WINE, but this series is somewhat making me doubt the strength of my convictions.