Backdrop poster for House (2004)
House (2004)
Poster for House
House (2004)
the first few episodes i thought house would be one of those characters who’s grumpy at first but over time gets softer but it seems like he’s just an ass 24/7 which i find very jarring atm but maybe i’ll get used to it over time. the will they won’t they thing they tried to do with cameron and house actually gave me second hand embarrassment, watching her basically beg him to like her was excruciating, i’m hoping that moment in the finale means that storyline is over. foreman and chase are both pretty cool (aside from that 1 episode when chase was going on fatphobic tirades against that little girl), wilson seems kind of out of place when he’s with the gang since he literally has nothing to do with them but hopefully they show more of him actually doing his job later on since i think it could be interesting. love cuddy, she might be my fave, the way she stood up to vogler was everything
