Backdrop poster for The Pitt (2025)
The Pitt (2025)
Poster for The Pitt
The Pitt (2025)
Dr. Robby apologizing to McKay for not valuing the girls who could be victims of the incel kid. Makes me think they played viewers' misogyny against them on purpose for THAT shocking ending. Dr. Santos is annoying and arrogant and clearly has a softspot for those abused (as seen when she threatens the father who could be hurting his daughter). These are all traits popular in male* characters of the medical drama genre (Doug Ross, Alex Karev, TC Kallahan, etc), viewers did not give Santos the same grace they would any of these characters. And then theres the fact that they've been hinting this for a WHILEE. Last episode they showed us Langdon was being overly aggressive and it was still excused by viewers as "necessary/valid". they showed us the vial was suspicious and we excused it as Santos holding a grudge when she's clearly had experience around addicts + druguse. They showed us his changing moods, his impulsiveness (buying a dog without consulting your wife), slowly built up hints and clues for the last 10 weeks and every single one was excused. They wanted us doubting her and they wanted it to blow up in our faces. calling out the ol unconscious biases. liking this show alot.
