Absolutely insane. I wonder what made her snap. I mean, she did seem to be one of those religious fanatics even before that creep Daybelle came into the picture (her father definitely had a hand in that), but I don’t think she was always like this. Daybelle added petrol to that fire and then watched it burn. A wee bit ironic.
I also did a quick research, mostly because I wanted to know what sentences they finally got. Wasn’t too bad if you ask me. However, I also stumbled upon the rape charges that Colby’s wife pressed against him? But then all of it was dismissed or something, they got back together and are now having another kid? How fucked up is this family? Honestly, I just feel bad for Riley, because when she grows up and randomly learns about the things that have happened when she was a baby, from other people at school or something… well, let’s just say I wouldn’t want to be in that position. It’s a lot.