There’s lots of absolutely fucked up stories included in both seasons of this documentary. But tbf they’re about NYC and LA - huge cities, with millions of people and very complicated situations.
However, this one time, instead of tallish trash and complaining about the justice system etc. I just want to say that hearing those cases from different POVs really puts it all in perspective for you. But I also learned a lot, and I’ve often been “forced” to think about things that I’ve never thought before.
For instance, a more gross example that’s just stuck in my mind would be how when they investigated the crime scene of Phill’s house and how Lana died, they mentioned collecting (fragments of) her teeth. Now I know that being shot in the mouth they way that she was is not gonna be clean, but until now I never really thought about the teeth…
And it’s seems so obvious, but I never thought about it.
I guess it’s because I never had to, which is obviously a good thing, but hearing all those things really forces you to reconsider how you perceive some of the things in life. For example, most people who have never experienced anything physically brutal, probably don’t know some of the more horrific and disgusting details of it all. People can try and explain it to you, but seeing something and hearing about it are two different things.