Akira Toriyama's last work with his beloved and hated Dragon Ball saga has been impeccable. Incredibly, it's a tribute to the entire eighties and nineties part of manga and anime that influenced so many visual artists.
Full of simple adventures and a white and absurd comedy, Daima begins with the soul of Dragon Ball itself that, in the past, showed us Goku as a child fighting against the Red Patrol, but strangely mixed with shades of the hitherto dubious Dragon Ball GT. The last third of the story, which always prides itself on being original within the canon and universe created by Toriyama, bathes us with a pleasant and vertiginous passage through Dragon Ball Z, to end up uniting the 3 great sagas in a round and entertaining ending.
It's really a very pleasant surprise that Daima has the precious essence of the story that was lost with Dragon Ball Super. The oldest fans of the Z warriors will find memorable moments, funny situations, and of course, new transformations here.
Thank you for so much, Akira Toriyama. You can rest in peace, knowing that Daima is well received among fans of the classic and immortal Dragon Ball.